MOOC courses: What are they and what are the alternatives?

 Приложих доста от това в концепцията за УКУ - екоцентър и креативно самоучище без да предполагам, че има специални наименования, като за отделни видове учене.
 За мен бяха и са характеристики на ученето креативно (УК) и набор от възможности за избор от учащите (Уч).

What are the alternatives to MOOCs?
  1. Distributed Open Collaborative Courses
  2. Self-paced Online Courses (SPOC)
  3. Blended learning
  4. Online Learning
The future of education is broader than MOOCs


Micro-learning focuses on the design of micro-learning activities through small steps in digital media environments, which already is a daily reality for today’s knowledge workers. These activities can be incorporated into a learner’s daily routines.

Unlike “traditional” online learning approaches, micro-learning often tends towards push technology through push media, which reduces the load on the learners. Therefore, the selection of micro-learning objects and also pace and timing of micro-learning activities are of importance. Micro-learning could be an important shift that avoids the need to have separate learning sessions, since the learning process is embedded in the daily routine of the student. It is also perfectly suited for mobile devices where long courses can be overkill.

Personalised learning

Personalised learning is the tailoring of method, curriculum and learning environments to meet the needs and aspirations of individual learners. Personalisation is broader than just individualisation or differentiation in that it affords the learner a degree of choice about what is learned, when it is learned, and how it is learned. This may not indicate unlimited choice since students will still have targets to be met. However, it may provide learners the opportunity to learn in ways that suit their individual learning styles and multiple intelligences.


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