FB Illustration of a "Net-Zero Home," which is designed to produce as much energy as it consumes...
FB Illustration of a "Net-Zero Home," which is designed to produce as much energy as it consumes... https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1FN4CPKUia/ This image is an illustration of a "Net-Zero Home," which is designed to produce as much energy as it consumes, resulting in a net-zero energy consumption. The image highlights various features and technologies that contribute to the home's energy efficiency and sustainability. Key elements in the image include: - **Ventilation**: Hot air escapes to cool the home in summer. - **Low-flow water fixtures**: These help in reducing water consumption. - **Solar panels**: Convert sunlight into electricity. - **Shade structures**: Help in managing the amount of sunlight entering the home. - **Wind-power system**: Turbines on the roof generate additional electricity. - **Ground-source heating and cooling pumps**: Provide efficient temperature regulation. - **Floor heating and cooling**: Maintains comfortable temperatures in wi...