FB About the early Slavs

So I made some comments on a post in another group that caught some interest so I will post it to other groups to see what I get..
Slavs were born warriors and kings. At 7, 10, or 12 years old, the father cut the son's hair and started teaching them warfare. Of course culture is also influenced by surrounding cultures and everything has been corrupted sbd lost with time, like some of the original pagan beliefs and practices. Women were considered equal and some stayed and made clothing abd weapons, but there were also women warriors.
The arts I done research on for the most part have similarities related to pagan beliefs and magic. I would like to hear thoughts from some other martial artists. I have personally spent 15 years learning and teaching taijiquan, and 4 with guided chaos based on taijiquan principles, which definately is similar to some points in these arts.
The regions that preserved the most martial arts were Poland, Russian and Ukraine. 
Poland preserved the polish saber. Its rounded to hug the body. The theory is based on the kolovrat, which dictate the 8 cutting directions and the circle as the movements are all circular. It uses the european box step footwork and spins and round steps on the battle field. The polish excelled on horseback combat. (Photo 1, polish winged hussar, photo 2 polish saber). 
Ukraine had lubki, which is known as a Jester's art. Its meant to be light and playful, and meant to toy with the opponent. It uses body mechanics but relies heavily on mysticism and what the chinese call "empty force" or no touch fighting. I personally dislike the idea, but its there.  (Photo 3, lubki vs armed attacker)
Ukraine also recreated Hopki, which is a martial art based on the dance. Lots of high kicks and jump kicks, older martial arts didn't practice kicking above the waist, this is a recreation of an old art that died out. (Photo 4 Hopki dancer)
Ukraine also had the Coussacks.  Thier saber is similar to the polish saber, with an emphasis on spinning the saber while moving to keep enemies back until you had tone yo deal with them. Cuts are the same as the polish saber but this weapon is not rounded as much. (Photo 5, Coussack saber). Some weapons coussack  soldiers used were shield, axe, knives, saber, whip, spear, and mace. Hand to hand was similar to systema. (Picture 6, coussack warrior)
Russia had created sambo in the early 1900s. Most likely it was based on judo and traditional jiujitsu. There are strikes,, kicks, and grappling.. It is a formidable art and done great in mma. (Picture 7, sambo fighters) 
Russia recreated wite bear and systema. Both of these are similar so I won't separate them here, accept structural differences abd more freedom in systema. Both arts also use the kolovrat as a guide to weapon combatives, but they have sone pronciples similar to taijiquan. Using structure instead of power, yielding and redirecting attacks, taiji fa jin is similar to the striking used. Remaining relaxed abd listening, or feeling your opponent. Knowing thier intention and move last but arrive first. Combat is based on the principles of the wave, the spiral, and energy patterns. This is where paganism and magic come in. (Picture 8, slavic energy centers in the body). 
First and foremost is slavic gymnastics, which is slavic energy work. Stretching, breathing and visualization work together much like Chinese qigong. You spiral energy through the crown and root energy centers through the body and from heaven and earth to the hands and feet. Movements matching the spiral can simply be used to make up for lack of strength and power abd to easily take the opponents balance abd setup attacks. The wave is also used to redirect and follow up with a simultaneous attack. Energy healing exercises are used to both heal and harm by providing whats known as "mittens" around the hands. Ground work is also used with waves, rolling, and getting up. The art of systema is considered a free art  meaning there are no set movements or patterns, only principles and ideas. Those principles abd ideas are then interpreted stylistically. Its much the same concept as baguazhang in Chinese martial arts. Even though different teachers are different, they are still recognized as systema and do not argue amongst each other. 
Ancient slavic warriors didn't wear much armor. Warfare was about stealth, using and knowing your terrain, ambush, deciept, and camouflage. We let nature take care of the light work, then finished them off. (Pictures 13 and 14) When christianity took over, we started wearing more armor and were known as the soldiers of God. When we came through birds would flee and battle grounds would shake due to our numbers abd fear of our reputation. 
Pictures 10, 11, 12 show sone of the weapons ancient slavs used. The valaska axe was an axe/cane that originated in Slovakia. You may see some similarities between that and the viking axe. That is due yo the fact vikings came through Europe and moved south west to North East. A lot of vikings had slavic blood abd done trade with us. This is one theory of how slavs have runes similar to the Nordic runes for divination and magic. Who had them first, I wasn't alive to tell you. 
Would love to hear your thoughts, comments, abd start a discussion.
Armin Araminur

1. Pagan Slavic women were not permitted to bear arms and were subservient to their husbands, and up until the fall of Arkona were expected to board the pyre and burn with their late husbands.

2. According to numerous findings from the 6th and 7th century, we know that the early South and East Slavs (who were pagans) bore axes, swords, round shields, leather belts and chainmail fashioned in East Roman styles, and according to the work of Procopius, Priscus, Menander Protector, John of Ephesus and Theophylact Simocatta, the early Slavs were sacking Roman cities, razing imperial territories and routing or annihilating Roman hosts, which would be an impossible feat without proper armament and military strategy. The same goes for the Wends of Pomerania and eastern and northeastern Germany, who've mainly subsided off of mercenary work, piracy and trade of slaves.

3. There where Slavs who fought naked, but that was most likely a ritualistic/religious phenomenon, and tied solely to Early South Slavic warbands which were sighted only by Procopius.

Sean Kovarovic
Thank you.

 I read about women boarding the funeral pyres. I guess it depends on where they were from and if they were married or not if the were allowed to be armed? 

Yea I knew about the round shields. I believe that changed when Christianity came in and tear drop shaped shields were adopted. 

For military strategy, what I explained coincides with the chinese art of war. I can provide some references if you would like.

I been doing a lot of research, so if I have anything wrong, please provide sources so I can correct myself.


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