MIT’s “food computers” produce reliable crops anywhere

MIT’s “food computers” produce reliable crops anywhere,

По-добри от имитиращите природата методи според мен няма (като пермакултурните), но и хидропониката и аеропониката имат място в специфични ситуации и случаи, а също като допълнение. И защо да не бъдат прилагани от машина, която всеки да има в дома си, вместо централизирано? Децентрализацията означава овластяване, повече независимост...

"The system is equipped with climate controls, grow lights, and humidifiers to encourage the growth of plants through hydroponic and aeroponic systems. Specialized “climate recipes” can be used for specific plants and unique traits, such as colors or sizes, so even the most temperamental crops can be grown anywhere in the world.

'The biggest problem [in agriculture] is that we became way too centralized,” said Harper. When food must travel long distances and sit in warehouses before reaching the stores, and then the consumers, not only are nutrients lost in the process, but a lot of fossil fuels are burned along the way. Harper argues that food computers put the power of growing food in individuals’ and smaller communities’ hands, increasing food security and decreasing food waste.'..."


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