5 Big Ideas That Don't Work In Education : NPR Ed : NPR

5 Big Ideas That Don't Work In Education : NPR Ed : NPR

Small classes. High standards. More money. These popular and oft-prescribed remedies from both the right and the left, he argues, haven't been shown to work as well as alternatives.
Hattie doesn't run his own studies. Nor does he analyze groups of studies on a single variable, a technique called meta-analysis. He goes one step further and synthesizes the findings of many meta-analyses, a kind of meta-meta-analysis.
1. Achievement standards...
2. Achievement tests.
3. School choice.
4. Class size.
5. More money.
Hattie's forthcoming book, in September, will present case studies of 15 schools that are implementing some of the ideas that have the strongest evidence behind them. He says many of these boil down to empowering teachers to work collaboratively and continuously improve.


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