
Показват се публикации от септември, 2024

У People who can express themselves better through writing than speaking usually have these 8 unique traits


Найдена формула оптимального домашнего задания по математике и естественным наукам  5.1

https://naked-science.ru/article/psy/zadaniya-po-matematike "В результате удалось установили, что хорошей успеваемости по математике больше всего способствовали ежедневные домашние задания по этому предмету. Что касается естественных наук, то здесь более эффективной оказалась частота в три-четыре раза в неделю. В обоих случаях анализ показал, что продолжительное выполнение домашних заданий не приносило дополнительных преимуществ в плане академических успехов. Краткосрочные, но регулярные сессии длительностью по 15 минут обеспечивали такой же эффект."

Най-умните птици на планетата

https://miau.bg/n-112466-%D0%9D%D0%B0%D0%B9-%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5_%D0%BF%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B8_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0 22.06.2020 | 08:45 Йоана Стоянова Новак 119 Съдържание: Врана Гарван Гарга Сокерица Сойка

Пpaвилa пpи cушeнeтo нa гъби

https://gotvach.bg/n-13548-%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B0_%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8_%D1%81%D1%83%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BE_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%B3%D1%8A%D0%B1%D0%B8 Пpaвилa пpи cушeнeтo нa гъби "Изключитeлнo пpиятнo e чoвeк дa ce paзхoди из гopaтa и дa ce въpнe c кoшницa, пълнa c гъби. А зa дa зaпaзитe apoмaтa нa тeзи гopcки житeли дългo вpeмe, имa някoи тpикoвe. Тaкa и пpeз зимaтa щe мoжeтe дa ce нacлaдитe нa нacитeния дъх нa гъбитe, кoитo щe ухaят кaтo тoку-щo нaбpaни. Зa тaзи цeл тe тpябвa дa ce изcушaт дoбpe. Един oт нaчинитe зa cушeнe e вcякa гъбкa дa бъдe пpoбoдeнa c иглa, в кoятo имa кoнeц. Тaкa ce пoлучaвa дълъг нaниз oт пpeдвapитeлнo изчиcтeни гъби. Тe oбaчe нe ce мият, a caмo ce изчиcтвaт oт бoклуцитe и ce изpязвaт пpeкaлeнo пoвpeдeнитe мecтa. Гъбитe нe ce нaнизвaт цeли, a нapязaни нa филийки, кoитo нe ca пpeкaлeнo тънки, нo в никaкъв cлучaй нe ca и дeбeли. Тaкa мoгaт дa ce изcушaт paвнoмepнo. Нaнизвaнeтo тpябвa дa ce нaпpaви тaкa, чe гъбитe дa нe ce

!!! The Top 10 Online Learning Platforms for 2024


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Y Study together - "the largest global student community online"


!!! Learning circles a hit in African public libraries | EIFL

Learning circles a hit in African public libraries | EIFL

Y Wix Multilingual: Customizing Your Site Menu per Language | Help Center | Wix.com

Wix Multilingual: Customizing Your Site Menu per Language | Help Center | Wix.com Wix Multilingual: Optimizing SEO Settings for Multilingual Sites

V Дробышевский + климатические изменения неизбежны - что делать.


PROGRAMME | 9th Golden Age Gym Festival, Burgas'2024

PROGRAMME | 9th Golden Age Gym Festival, Burgas'2024

Y What does Wix automation mean? - Ggl search.results


? УHow To Write With ChatGPT (Without It Sounding Like ChatGPT)


Y ​The Dawn of Civilization: 6 earliest human civilisations on .. Read more at: http://m.timesofindia.comhttps://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/etimes/trending/the-dawn-of-civilization-6-earliest-human-civilisations-on-earth/photostory/112233266.cms?picid=112279414&utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst

Траките не са споменати https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/etimes/trending/the-dawn-of-civilization-6-earliest-human-civilisations-on-earth/photostory/112233266.cms

Study circles, lifeWIDE learning (in the conext),

Study circle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Study_circle "A  study circle  is a small group of people who meet multiple times to discuss an issue. Study circles may be formed to discuss anything from politics to religion to  hobbies  with a minimum of 7 people to a maximumof 15.these study circles are formed by a study circle organiser, and are led by a study circle leader. Study circle doesn't have a teacher. They are differentiated from  clubs  by their focus on exploring an issue or topic rather than on activities or socializing. When they emerged in the early twentieth century they were based on a democratic approach to self-education and were often linked to social movements concerned with  temperance  or  working class   emancipation . [ 1 ] Basics [ edit ] Study circles are typically created by persons who discover a common interest; other study circles may be created to analyze and find solutions to social, political, or community problems. Often there is no  teacher ,