
Показват се публикации от октомври, 2018

Китайският електромобил Fulu Mk1 вече се продава в Украйна, а цената му е 109 999 гривни или 6671 лева

Китайският електромобил Fulu Mk1 вече се продава в Украйна, а цената му е 109 999 гривни или 6671 лева auto.dir.bg

Балканския полуостров могат да очакват приятни и меки температури през зимата

Балканския полуостров могат да очакват приятни и меки температури през зимата vremeto.dir.bg



Манастирски комплекс при крепостта "Аневско кале"

Манастирски комплекс при крепостта "Аневско кале" svetimesta.com

Galina Nedyalkova: Education that teaches care and self-trust

Зареждащо и вдъхновяващо.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfs_Vsw1Yi0 Източник: https://creativemornings.com/talks/galina-nedyalkova/1?fbclid=IwAR1zY6u7_tqLUyp1g9kIRtAPOnr555GS1yiFeyDKSkPww_dIG74JuyXPzeo

Проф. Амара Екерт: Децата умеят най-добре да слагат пръст в раните ни. Предизвикателството е да не ги наказваме за това!*

Проф. Амара Екерт: Децата умеят най-добре да слагат пръст в раните ни. Предизвикателството е да не ги наказваме за това!* movefeelplay.com/en/проф-амара-екерт-децата-умеят-най-добр/?fbclid=IwAR1fYQ9N53rF2lZEvnGQZN9reis2DjFkO_aBPVPD7E4ky2HLMkcpEefe2to

Защо често се женим за неподходящите хора

Защо често се женим за неподходящите хора clubr.bg В епохата на жененето по разум, хората са обмисляли тези критерии, когато са се бракували: кои са родителите на партньора колко земя имат колко културно сходни са В романтичната епоха са се разглеждали следните знаци, които да определят правотата на брака: не можеш да спреш да мислиш за него/нея сексуално обсебен си от партньора смяташ, че е невероятен/-на копнееш да говориш с него/нея постоянно Имаме нужда от нови критерии. Трябва да се чудим: какви са неговите/нейните странности как можеш да отгледаш деца с него как можете да се развивате заедно как можете да останете приятели

The 4 Types of Narcissism You Need To Know


A Single Fungus Has Turned Out to Be One of The Oldest And Biggest Organisms on Earth

A Single Fungus Has Turned Out to Be One of The Oldest And Biggest Organisms on Earth  ttps://www.sciencealert.com/michigan-armillaria-gallica-honey-mushroom-genetic-screen-larger-older-organism

Elementary Schools Ban Homework, Saying It Kills Kids’ Creativity

Elementary Schools Ban Homework, Saying It Kills Kids’ Creativity “made the decision based on solid research about what works best in improving academic achievement.” That research includes a 2006 meta-analysis of homework studies dating back to 1987. It found there was no association between homework and achievement. In other words, assigning children homework did not help them learn or retain information better or do better on tests. It also includes a 2014 study by Stanford University showing high school students are suffering “stress, physical health problems, a lack of balance and even alienation from society” thanks to too much homework. The Stanford researchers looked at a survey of 4000 California high school students from upper-middle class neighborhoods. Over half of the students said homework was their primary source of stress. Many students said their homework load led to “headaches, exhaustion, sleep deprivation, weight loss and stomach problems.” “...

Narcissist, Psychopath, or Sociopath: How to Spot the Differences


Your Mood Depends on the Food You Eat

Your Mood Depends on the Food You Eat “One of the major findings of this paper is that diet and dietary practices differentially affect mental health in young adults versus mature adults,” said Begdache. “Another noteworthy finding is that young adult mood appears to be sensitive to the buildup of brain chemicals. Regular consumption of meat leads to the buildup of two brain chemicals (serotonin and dopamine) known to promote mood. Regular exercise leads to buildup of these and other neurotransmitters as well. In other words, young adults who ate meat (red or white) less than three times a week and exercised less than three times week showed a significant mental distress. “Conversely, mature adult mood seems to be more sensitive to regular consumption of sources of antioxidants and abstinence of food that inappropriately activates the innate fight-or-flight response (commonly known as the stress response),” added Begdache. “With aging, there is an increase in free radical formation...

Brain Activity Has Been Recorded as Much as 10 Minutes After Death

Brain Activity Has Been Recorded as Much as 10 Minutes After Death https://www.sciencealert.com/brain-activity-recorded-as-much-as-10-minutes-after-death-human-science

iPad generation's fingers not ready to write, teachers say

iPad generation's fingers not ready to write, teachers say

Meet The Weird Fruit That Could Soon Become as Common as a Strawberry

Meet The Weird Fruit That Could Soon Become as Common as a Strawberry https://www.sciencealert.com/meet-weird-fruit-could-soon-become-common-strawberries-future-food-groundcherry-physalis-pruinosa-crispr?perpetual=yes&limitstart=1

People Can Die From Giving up the Fight

People Can Die From Giving up the Fight

This school replaced detention with meditation and the results are phenomenal

This school replaced detention with meditation and the results are phenomenal

Видео от откриването на филиала на НХА в Бургас


Living Off Grid For 30 years: A Story Of Happiness Through Isolation

Living Off Grid For 30 years: A Story Of Happiness Through Isolation See more at: http://www.goodshomedesign.com/living-off-grid-for-30-years-a-story-of-happiness-through-isolation /

Cats develop dementia like humans do

Cats develop dementia like humans do grunge.com Antioxidants and vitamin E are thought to help at least slow the aging process, and environmental factors can make a big difference, too. Don't bring other animals (or other kinds of chaos) into the house, keep things in the same, familiar places, and make sure you keep accessibility in mind when it comes to things like stairs. Read More: h ttps://www.grunge.com/30608/cats-purr-10-feline-facts/sl/cats-develop-dementia-like-humans-do?utm_campaign=clip https://www.grunge.com/30608/cats-purr-10-feline-facts/sl/so-why-do-cats-purr 

Ageing in Human Cells Successfully Reversed in the Lab

Ageing in Human Cells Successfully Reversed in the Lab  https://www.technologynetworks.com/neuroscience/articles/ageing-in-human-cells-successfully-reversed-in-the-lab-307820

Scientists discover evil people share a ‘dark triad’ of traits

Scientists discover evil people share a ‘dark triad’ of traits https://nypost.com/2018/09/27/scientists-discover-evil-people-share-a-dark-triad-of-traits/?utm_source=zergnet.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=zergnet_3336565 ... Psychopathy, egoism, sadism and narcissism are among the traits considered to be a part of the dark side of humanity — and new research has found people who exhibit these traits all share a common characteristic. While characteristics like narcissism or spitefulness may not seem as extreme as psychopathic tendencies, scientists have found a behavioral link between people who exhibit these traits, and it’s not as uncommon as you might think. Research from the University of Copenhagen revealed that people categorized in this “dark core of personalities” tend to put their own interests ahead of anyone else’s. Another common characteristic researchers observed was the ability to take pleasure from causing other people pain. The most predominant of...