〈=bg "What does Suggestopedia /Desuggestive Learning/ R e s e r v o p e d i a Look Like at Present? Dr G. Lozanov The best results of suggestopedia are not due to any technique (guided relaxation, guided fantasies, breathing exercises, etc.) as a number of authors fabricated but to a holistic knowledge of the psychophysiological mechanisms of personal reserves. On the basis of extremely productive research studies, we arrived till present to the following conclusions for the absolutely required knowledge that should be assimilated by the teachers in the course of their methodological training: (Excerpts from the forthcoming book Suggestopedia-Reservopedia Theory and Practice of the Liberating-Stimulating Communicative Pedagogy on the Level of the Reserves of the Human Mind) Suggestology and Suggestion In every communication, in every thought, in every feeling, in every perception ...